For the past year and in partnership with Harborview Medical Center, The University of Washington, Microsoft, The TSFoundation, and others, we have been collaborating with experts to develop a suite of applications that supplement current mid to long term care, by way of introducing ideas, problems and solutions that:
* Improve customer comfort & Reduce pain perception
* Reduce rehab time & Increase efficiency
* Increase confidence & Promote independence

After building a prototype, we are now ready for the next phase, and so are setting up a monthly “immersive tech think tank” for the Medical Care Industry. The primary goal of this group is to share knowledge and foster connections. Particular attention will be paid to learning how immersive tech like VR and AR, often in combination with assistive technologies can be leveraged in a cost effective yet efficient manner for the betterment of all involved.
Key areas of exploration include:
1. ESCAPE – Offer patients the ability to escape the hospital on mini “virtual vacations” – visit space, travel through time, dive at the great barrier reef, etc.
2. LEARNING & TRAINING – Patients can autonomously learn/train how to use tech devices like Power Wheelchairs, Smart Homes, Assistive Tech devices (e.g. Sip and Puff) from the comfort of their bed (or anywhere!).
3. EFFICIENT REHAB – Increase engagement, confidence and independent results by using virtual assistants to guide you through rehab, specific exercises with interactive results.
4. ENTERTAINMENT – Integrating digital tech from adaptive controllers to VR headsets (and more) to help patients enjoy their time in hospital and after discharge.
5. COMMUNITY – A core goal is to promote multi-person interactions, including local and/or remote support from nurses, therapists, friends, family, past patients, etc.