Have XR skills?
Tell us more...
The MXTreality team are excited to announce that we are looking for the best and brightest brains out there. While intuition is key, a keen interest in XR (VR, AR and MR) is definitely a big bonus.
Our current solutions involve the use of every major VR headset, multi-sensory peripherals, haptic feedback, 3D spatial sound and anything that will improve deep immersion.
Our clients range from small local companies, to tourist attractions, to medical institutions, to First-Responders.
We have 2.5M downloads on our mobile apps and 1,000+ VR users a day. We spend our downtime (and some uptime) developing for non-profits and tech4good.
Can you help us explore where we go next?
The VR and AR potential is immense, and we aim to continue being a leading innovator - and we want you!
Do you you have an interest in Hololens, Vive Pro Eye, Varjo, iPhones, iPads, Android phones, multiplayer, HTC Vive, Oculus, Haptic Gloves, TeslaSuits, eye tracking, hand tracking HTC trackers, assistive technologies, UltraLeap, flight simulation cockpits, WebGL, Unity, Unreal Engine?
Do you have ideas on how to experience anything, anywhere, with anyone?
​Do you have knowledge outside of these areas, yet bring something new to the table?
If you can answer YES to any of the above, please fill out the form below