On November 15th, our CEO Jeff Rayner will deliver a presentation of whether the legacy of today's XR technology will be known for improving humanity or destroying it!
We believe the new immersive approaches that XR brings, will shift escape, education, training, rehab and assessments towards personal experiences that are too often dangerous, unpractical, and sometimes even impossible to do via any other means. Jeff will discuss how this new approach will improve knowledge retention, increase efficiency, and reduce risks.

Other speakers include HTC Vive VP Vinay Narayan, Dr. Adam Davis, Virav Desai of MoonBeam, along with more speakers and a panel of industry players discussing the challenges and opportunities for VR therapeutics.

Jeff's presentation begins at 5:50 pm and is titled "The 7 reasons why XR will revolutionize healthcare & why you should be scared!"
The event takes place on November 15, 2019 from 5-9 pm at The Collective Seattle 2nd Floor. 400 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
Pacific NW Aerospace Alliance's NExT Symposium
Friday, November 15, 2019
Time 1:00 pm-5:30 pm
Location: North Seattle College 9600 College Way North Seattle, WA 98103
The MXTreality presentation will begin at
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