The Full Story
Virtual Reality (VR)
Is VR the headset, the experience, or the solution?
If we are getting into VR, what headset should we use and why?
This page answers those questions and more!

The Backgound
VR as a device and as a term has been around for tens of years, but really only became a viable item for mass market in 2016 with the advent of the HTC Vive and the Oculus Quest.
In today's world understanding the difference between an iPhone, a sensory bodysuit and a drone are easy, yet when it comes to VR, the devices are changing so fast it's hard to keep up. Luckily, we can help.
Oculus Quest (and 2) is cheap, portable, intuitive, and has no cords. Yet has a lower frame rate, is tough to clean, and owing to it's "mobile" processor is difficult to get high fidelity photorealism.
BEST USE = consumer fun

The PICO is affordable, has no cables, doesn't require a laptop, has arguably the most cleanable surfaces, and a 4K screen. However, solutions have to be custom built for this specific device.
BEST USE = commercial training
The HTC VIVE series and OCULUS RIFT series are the industry standard, offer high quality, yet require a cable and a high end laptop.
BEST USE = commercial solutions

The VALVE INDEX was designed from the ground up to be a truly comfortable, high quality competitor to the VIVE and RIFT. It succeeded. It's high price tag however keeps it from the heads of most.
BEST USE = high end gaming
The VARJO XR-1,2,&3 sets a new bar when it comes to immersion. This headset features true MR capabilities merging VR & AR, eye tracking, and features that keep it well ahead of the field. Unfortunately it costs around $10k and requires a near super computer to run!
BEST USE = best in class commercial solutions