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Why are VR companies seeing Corona Virus as an opportunity?

Sean Walsh

By now just about everyone recognizes the gravity of the situation as the COIVD-19 begins to effect businesses.

For many types of businesses this may mean drastically reducing their operations. For immersive tech companies, however, as cavalier as it may sound, the current crisis presents extensive opportunity for companies producing Virtual Reality and similar related immersive solutions.

To help illustrate why this is, we'll provide a look at how MXTreality is responding to the developing situation in three key areas.

- SAFETY: We are taking the precautions!

- Business: Explanation of how we're operating currently

- Opportunity: Tech can make a difference, and we can help

Safety is #1

Fortunately, the work MXTreality does naturally has the ability to be done efficiently and effectively remote. We have transitioned our team to working from their home offices where they happen to each have very impressive workstations! While one or two of us may still be working in our Seattle office at any given time, we are taking the precautions by disinfecting surfaces and equipment, while continually washing our hands throughout the day. We even made a 360 tour of our office to help identify areas of interest in the time of Corona!

Business Matters!

Particularly in massively effected areas like Seattle where Corona virus hit early, there is no question that virtually all businesses have been affected and will continue to be for much time to come, especially small business.

Since it's still early in the saga it's tough to say how business will be effected for anyone, including MXTreality, yet as a growing small business we are in somewhat of a unique position in that we are often pivoting to adjust to trends, and directions of the market, especially for the immersive tech industry which is constantly in flux. As a result, we've started making the types of pivots we're familiar making as the realities of Corona have begun to appear.

Opportunity and The Future

As a business that serves our community and benefits by being part of the city we're in, our first concern is for the safety of our extended neighbors and for the health and well being of everyone globally in this time. For years we've been exploring and contributing to the expansion of immersive technology into the awareness and adoption of the masses and with everyone is doing their best to stay home, the types of solutions for education, attractions and more clearly benefit by having offerings that tech like VR provides.

We've been providing these types of solutions to these areas of industry and social good and are already seeing a growth in desire and demand for the experiences that MXTreality creates. This is likely to be a pivotal moment for the VR and Immersive tech industry, and we often find ourselves right in the eye of the storm when enthusiasm for this tech rises.

Utilizing the latest integrations with things like VR eye-tracking we're currently working on some areas that are likely to emerge more popular now than ever such as multi-user VR solutions that allow for remote meetings, which could include situations such as medical visits. In fact we're working on something that's capability means we have to keep it a secret for the moment!

Eye Tracking follows the Corona of the eyeball ;)

All said, here at MXTreality we're taking precautions and embracing the emerging opportunities. In the immersive tech world very few us see ourselves as competitors - we are essentially collaborators, and we've all been here for years to make a difference. The atmosphere as a result of Corona Virus really has only emboldened ourselves and the industry we exist in to reach out in making the differences that make our world a more connected, empowering place.

We are wishing you and your families the absolute best; stay safe, and stay inspired!

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